Dr Janet Hall

The Magic of Avatar, the movie

My dear old mother has always disliked fantasy – she calls it “fay”. I have always loved anything fairy and magical. Perhaps that’s why I am a hypnotherapist?
It is also why my Honours Thesis in English at Monash University was called “Point of View in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings”.Can you believe that the Professor was not going to allow me to study Tolkien then because it was not considered “real literature”?
I had to talk fast and hard to persuade him! Perhaps I hypnotised him into saying yes?
So you can appreciate that I floated out of the magical movie “Avatar” with awe and in blissful delight.
The entire movie was amazing but the moment of most joy was when Jake first ran on his Avatar body’s feet through the dirt.

Have you had sleep sex?

Dr Jan was asked to comment for Cosmo Magazine on Sleep Sex – ‘sexsomnia’. It is a parasomnia of the same family as sleepwalking – but people have sex, or masturbate, or try to have sex, in their sleep.
Q  Do you think someone could honestly have sex without knowing it, and wake up the next day and not remember it?
Dr Jan says: Yes it is a common enough phenomena. I have had clients who report it.
Q Some Cosmo readers report their partner ‘groping them’ or ‘trying to have sex with them’ while they are asleep. However they do remember this in the morning. Is this type of behaviour a subconscious symptom of not getting enough sex? Your honrniness taking hold in your sleep? Or is it sexsomnia?
Dr Jan says: It’s not sexsomnia if the initiator remembers it next morning. Sometimes the “groper” is just feeling horny and trusts their partner to be responsive or not, depending on their relationship. Sometimes the groper is just desperate and calculating that the sleeper will let them get away with it!

Click here to buy a Dr Jan’s audio on Sleeping Deeply With Hypnosis and avoid being the groper by mistake because you will be blissfully asleep.

Hypnosis Works to Find Lost Things and Avoid Losing Relationships

I was presenting a lecture last night on eating disorders and how hypnosis helps because it counters the eating trance with the hypnotic trance and endorses the suggestion to eat healthily and to be well. On the break a lady reintroduced herself as a client who I had hypnotised to find her lost jewellery five years ago.  She said that she initially didn’t think it had worked. But she went home and sat quietly for 10 minutes. Then she said “the lights in her mind came on” and she went straight to a high vase where the necklace was coiled. Even the cleaning lady had not spotted it!

She said that the hypnosis had actually unearthed her deep-seated dis-satisfaction with her marriage. I had given her the homework of writing the completion letter to get her upset off her chest without dumping it on her husband. It worked a treat and she had been very happy since!

When Should Mothers Return to Work?

Michelle was happy. She had a beautiful baby girl of six months and was enjoying being a mother. Suddenly her husband, Paul, was retrenched from his job and there was no money coming in. Paul had little prospect of getting another job but Michelle, a school teacher, could easily return to work. So Michelle sadly passed her little girl’s care over to her husband and went back to work.

At least Michelle could rely on her husband to give their child constant loving attention. Today the battle to pay off the family home and meet other financial needs is becoming increasingly more difficult. A single wage is often not sufficient. As a result more and more families are relying on two incomes to get them through so both Mum and Dad have to work. The need for out of home child care has therefore risen markedly. Moreover, the large increase in the number of single parents has also meant a greater demand for formal child care.

But what is the effect on the child who is placed in the care of others from an early age? It has been proven that babies need a mother’s love and attention, a sense of security and well-being. Indeed, as one expert put it, the attachment relationship that a young child forges with his mother “forms the foundation stone of personality.” Experts say that regular detachment from the mother can impair a child’s intellectual and emotional development, and affect a child throughout his or her life. Children deprived of parental care in early childhood are likely to be withdrawn, disruptive, insecure, or even intellectually stunted and that children brought up in long hours of day care are more aggressive, bratty and uncooperative

This kind of evidence puts mothers in a real double bind when they have to work to keep the roof over their child’s head. And of course there are also mothers who fear that they will lose their career path if they take time off to care for a baby. One Mum put her twins into child care when they were only one month old because she knew her rival at work was breathing down her neck and would take over her job if she stayed away.

So what’s a Mum to do? When is the ideal time to return to work? Well considering that child development experts indicate that children do not engage in peer play until they are about two years old, it would seem that mothers who can stay at home should do so until the child is two!
However it is not an ideal world, especially in the current economic climate so all mothers (and fathers) can do, is their best. Research your options for childcare intensely and extensively so you can decide with your head and then use your heart by asking yourself “does this feel right for me and for my child”.